You da, You da best..

..lmao the edited song.. GUTS!

Hmmmmn.. Well, aside from all the tiggo bitties in the video (lol) it gave me a "Degrassi" vibe only because before Jimmy (Drake) got shot he played basketball in the show, he took it back to his Jimmy (those who never watched the show wouldn't know..LAMES!) Any who the overall video its just ok to me I think it could have been way better.. BUT hey! who doesn't like to see chicks with tiggo bitties almost bounce out there shirts? lol =/

"Take that D!.. Take that D like the champions you are" lmao. only the gutter minded people will laugh.. =x

1 Blunt(s):

Danielle Carter said...

I wasnt feelin the video AT ALL!!! but i did love the locker room scene that was funny as hell he said "Take that D like the chamions you are" or some mess like that lol