Then there were 12..

to all my followers, the 12 of you are like the best followers anyone can =]
I didn't think I would get past 5.
(yes I know there's 13.. but I'd be lame if I counted

Any who lets get to the point, I haven't actually shared my writing side with the blogosphere the basics of my blog are almost all media based. SO!, I've decided to share a poem I wrote last year while in a relationship those where my better writing days I was inspired by his bs I went through almost two years of hell so I stayed inspired!! now I'm relationship K! this he shall remain unknown lol.. anyway I hope you guys like it!!.. like to hear it? hear it goes..

I'm the script your the actor,
true story to me but its just acting with you,
yea.. it takes months even years to memorize a script
is it always easier to remember than it is to forget?
fucked up but love can be just like this,
you read one script make the money that's it,
move on cause your just an actor
looking for a better hit.
the money and fame is what you really wanna get,
once that role has been played you move on and that's it,
then never look back on it cause..shit
to you it was just another script... (crazy right?)

I sent it to him and all.. well I had it high key blasted in my away message all CAPS that's angry instant Yea he said something about it but I didn't care and it turned into an argument which inspired me even more so.

0 Blunt(s):