My Life According To: Drake.

I found this on this mu'fucka right here... I liked.. so of course I had to get wit it! (her blog is with the DOPENESS btw check it out!!)

Instructions: Using only song titles from ONE ARTIST OR BAND, answer these questions. Pass it on to 12 people and include me. You can't use the artist or band I used. Do not repeat a song title. Re post as "My Life According to (ARTIST OR BAND NAME)"

Pick Your Artist: Drake

Are you a male or female? : Digital Girl.

Describe yourself: Brand New.

How do you feel: The Calm.

Describe where you currently live: City Is Mine.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Houstalantavegas.

Your favorite form of transportation: Uptown.

Your best friend is: Best I Ever Had.

Your favorite color is: Faded.

What's the weather like: Comeback Season.

Favorite time of the day: A Night Off.

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called: A Scorpio's Mind.

What is life to you: The Last Hope.

Your relationships: Stunt On You.

Your fear: Overdose.

What is the best advice you have to give?: Try Harder.

If you could change your name, you would change it to: The Winner.

Thought for the Day: Say What's Real.

How I would like to die: Closer To My Dreams.

My soul's present condition: Lust For Life.

I tag..

No Gimmic!!

2 Blunt(s):

dearly beloved. said...

thanks for the shout out! loves it... good pick too! love me some Drizzy.

ps. im following.

-..this mu'fucka right here.

Jacque said...

His song titles fit perfectly!