Left out.

My relative is having a video shoot today and nobody told me right? I didn't find out until last minute I have no way there on top of that I'm stuck watching my nephew (AHHHHHHHH!!). Oh oh oh!.. but see I found out I was watching him after the fact, his mom came back through rushing saying..

Her: I gotchu I gotchu!
Me: huh? for what?
Her: for watching the baby.
Me: Oh.. ok =/

Well at least I'm "got" I'm some what bummed but I gotta suck it up imma G imma G.lmao. that there just made me think about when you where younger and just got one of those good ass ASS beatings how you would try to tell your side of the story but couldn't cause you couldn't catch your breath hyperventilating and what nit.ahahaha good times..good times.

Happy Independence Day!

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