BET's Uncut.

Lol. Okay I know some if not all of you remember that show that came on BET at like 3 in the morning that showed ALL of the low budget "Uncut" videos?? (i.e. the name)
and some of our most loved artist raunchiest of videos? Well, I do!! lol. What ever happen to that show?! It was high-key badd how they had the shows set up though. You basically sat there and got a hour eye full off ass, then right after that an eye full of Jesus =/?? lmao wtf was that about! Any who our most beloved and well known artist had a uncut video with all the nakedness. From Nelly's "Tip Drill" to Ludacris "Pu**y Poppin", ok cool BUT! what was up with all the low low LOW! budget videos with the chicks in the videos that looked like they had 5 or 6 kids, stretch marks, bullet wounds the whole fuckin 9 shit not even 9 the whole 1o! lol. Well now that i think about it it did come on at 3 in the morning and the show was called "Uncut", everyone needs exposure right!?...

-Nuff said.

Which video had more ASS in it???

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